Flat roof ponding is when water collects and puddles during downpours of rain. 

One of the telltale signs of a flat roof being damaged or inadequate is by checking for ponding. If water is collecting on a flat roof, it may be time to refresh the roof. Moreover, ponding implies that the drainage of the roof is poor. Therefore, the life expectancy of the roof will deteriorate. Hence, this may lead to structural damage, leaks and the growth of vegetation. 

Throughout this article, St Helens Roofing discusses the causes of ponding and the damages that may occur. 

How to tell if a roof is ponding?

Homeowners will often see the ponding on the flat roof when it occurs. Alternatively, the water leaves behind dirty circles when it dries. Sometimes, algae and vegetation growth can hint at ponding too. 

Why does ponding happen?

Despite its name, a flat roof is not as flat as it suggests. Usually, roofs like these should slope slightly to allow for drainage. Hence, surface water can run off and drain away. 

The age of a roof can also contribute to ponding. If a flat roof starts to sag structurally, it will create an uneven surface. Hence, water will pool instead of draining away. 

What happens when flat roof ponding occurs?

As the water collects, the weight can cause problems beneath. One main concern is the roof collapsing as water ponding can weigh up to 5lbs per square foot. Therefore, if the ponding takes up a large section of the roof, it can cause significant damage over time. 

What to do if your roof is damaged?

If your flat roof is suffering from water ponding, it may be time to replace the roof. St Helens Roofing can provide you with a free, no-obligation quote for replacing your flat roof and ensuring no further damage occurs to your home. Contact us today to get started.